Saturday, November 6, 2010

I Love historyteachers!!

This series of Youtube videos make me wish I was teaching World History again... and that says a lot!
William the Conqueror ("Sexy Back, Justin Timberlake)

Project Blog Spot

I never thought that I would like the idea of blogging, but this assignment has really got me thinking about how I could incorporate this into my teaching. Right now with my new job I am barely able to think about what I will be teaching this week in class much less start thinking about creative projects, but last night (in the shower, no less) I was thinking about this assignment and BAM! It hit me. I had been wanting to incorporate a reflection/journal assignment for my U.S. History class to help them analyze and evaluate history. I would ask a question maybe once or twice a week that would challenge them to apply their knowledge in order to analyze the specific time in American history, or even as to how it relates to present day. But my epiphany in the shower was that I could ask my students create their own blog (just how I have now done) and answer their weekly or bi-weekly journal questions on their own blog. I could even make a requirement that they also do one post on their own each week reflecting on any piece of material covered that week! I am just SO excited about this assignment! It is SO difficult to in corporate projects in a block EOC but this could really work! It fits in perfectly with my own teachonomy as well, because I blogging is an excellent way to implement evaluation of a topic, which is exactly what I want my students to do!

New Beginnings

SO I have just completed my very first week as a Reagan Raider! A couple of weeks ago I FINALLY got a full-time, secondary social studies teaching position! Reagan is an excellent school, the staff have been so welcoming and kind. I am teaching three of my favorite courses, Geography, International Relations, and U.S. History. My class sizes are ridiculously smaller than what I am used to, and I have my own room... no roaming for me! However, I am missing everyone back at West Forsyth, especially my ESL students! They taught me more about the importance of teaching in 2 months than I realized in an entire year. They are some of the strongest, kindest, and most hardworking students I have ever met; they have made me so proud and honored to know them. I obviously missed them this week!! I also missed having any extra time this week. Remember those three courses that I love to teach so much? Well I am also having to plan for all three, and my U.S. History (also an EOC) is a block course so I am having to go very quickly through the material. I am not used to the pace of a block at all, but I am slowly getting the feel for the schedule and what I can and cannot plan for in a day. After all, teaching is all about learning!